"You are a slut! Given a chance you will sleep with every man in the whole neighbourhood!" "When will you die? Can you tell me when will you die? I can then be at peace for some time?" "You are so ugly..it is so difficult for me to take you anywhere!" "You will keep losing your jobs! You don't know how to talk to your own, no wonder you would not know how to talk to the world!" "You will never become anything in life! I at times wonder if you are our own!" These are just some of the things that children from so called "normal" families have heard and that they vividly remember as adults. Not only that they remember but some of these are repeated when they clash with the larger world and face a challenge. Their families repeat these with a "I told you so..." put in for better effect. If you think of these sentences in isolation, without knowing who said these to whom, you would have asked the receiver of these...